Studio Policies
Due to optimizing our space and being free from distractions, parents are not allowed to wait inside the studio for their dancer(s). Please use common courtesy to the classes in session if you want to walk them in or out of class.
Only water is allowed inside the studios at any time. Gum and food are not allowed.
Cubbies are provided for shoes and no outside-shoes should be worn on the Marley floors.
Any concerns should be addressed via email or phone to the director.
Foster Dance Center reserves the right to cancel a class if it does not meet the minimum of 3 students. If a class is cancelled due to enrollment or other reasons, every effort will be made to place students in another class. A Parent/Guardian must provide written notice of dropping or quitting with a thirty day notice.
All belongings should be labeled with the dancer's name, and the studio is not responsible for lost items.
In case of extreme weather conditions, the director may cancel classes and students can make them up at a later time.
There is an annual, non-refundable $35 registration fee per dancer.
Students will represent Foster Dance Center with positivity, respect, discipline, and a strong work ethic.